Andrew - it’s a sad thing to say but you are right. The council is run by liars.
I go back to the exploding water tank. The then mayor ‘ We have no idea why this happened.’
Council staff, who shall remain nameless (but his name continually seems to come up) ‘We have no idea why this event happened’.
All just liars. And all other councillors who have not & will not speak up - the silence is deafening.
You have some very valid points. Keep up the good work !
Silence is not a neutral act – it is a tacit endorsement of the Minister’s claims.
Yeh, true.
The Gang at it again. Yes, the silence is deafening…
So to silence the new elected community & independent councillors - the Gang would rather put the council into administration than give the minister a reply.
Wouldn’t it b funny if one of the Gang became the Administrator 😳
Back door deal done I’d say.
Did I say ‘The silence is deafening’ ?
I know nothing about politics but I’d say certain members of the Gang see suspension as a means to an end …
No response ? The silence is still deafening.
There’s really nothing else to say.
They r all liars.
And the continued silence is deafening !
Signed : one of a growing number of very concerned community members
The Tamworth 'thing' is very important to clear up.
We known that the Mayor went to the Local Government conference in Tamworth.. and we know the Minister for Local Gvoernment was there too.
DID Hanna meet with the minister?
Did Hanna scheme with the two labor coucnillors to go to Tampworth TO meet the minister TO discuss a PIO ?
I have asked the Mayor and he denies this.. the problem for him is that denail fails against the information I have.
Our Council is run by liars..
Andrew - it’s a sad thing to say but you are right. The council is run by liars.
I go back to the exploding water tank. The then mayor ‘ We have no idea why this happened.’
Council staff, who shall remain nameless (but his name continually seems to come up) ‘We have no idea why this event happened’.
All just liars. And all other councillors who have not & will not speak up - the silence is deafening.
You have some very valid points. Keep up the good work !
Silence is not a neutral act – it is a tacit endorsement of the Minister’s claims.
Yeh, true.
The Gang at it again. Yes, the silence is deafening…
So to silence the new elected community & independent councillors - the Gang would rather put the council into administration than give the minister a reply.
Wouldn’t it b funny if one of the Gang became the Administrator 😳
Back door deal done I’d say.
Did I say ‘The silence is deafening’ ?
I know nothing about politics but I’d say certain members of the Gang see suspension as a means to an end …
No response ? The silence is still deafening.
There’s really nothing else to say.
They r all liars.
And the continued silence is deafening !
Signed : one of a growing number of very concerned community members
Again, Very Very Smelly.
Absolutely thus would b the case …
You on point again !